CRE2 Town Hall

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CRE2 Town Hall Agenda

May 10th | 10AM-11AM CDT

Welcome: Adrienne Davis; Co-director, CRE2; Vice Provost; William M. Van Cleve Professor of Law

Programming Highlights: Tila Neguse; Assistant Director, CRE2

Funding Spotlights: Hedwig Lee; Co-director, CRE2; Professor of Sociology; Brown School; Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Affiliate

Graduate Rotating Studio: Linda Samuels; Associate Professor of Urban Design; Faculty Affiliate, CRE2

Black Girlhood Studies Lab: Kenly Brown; Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of African and African American Studies; Postdoctoral Affiliate, CRE2

Small Grant: Trevor Gardner; Associate Professor, Washington University School of Law; Faculty Affiliate, CRE2

Mindfulness & Anti-Racism Working Group: Todd Braver; Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences; Faculty Affiliate, CRE2

Colors of COVID– Mapping Spatiotemporal Variation of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in COVID: Min Lian; Assistant Professor of Medicine; Faculty Affiliate, CRE2blac

CRE2 Initiatives and The Washington University School of Medicine: Cynthia Rogers; Associate Director, CRE2

WashU & Slavery: Geoff Ward; Director, CRE2 WashU & Slavery; Professor of African and African American Studies; Sociology (Affiliate); American Culture Studies (Affiliate)

Latinx| Latin American Race & Ethnicity Research

  • William Acree; Associate Director, CRE2; Associate Professor of Spanish; American Culture Studies (Affiliate); Preforming Arts (Affiliate)
  • Ariela Schacter; Assistant Professor of Sociology; Faculty Affiliate, CRE2 & Leopoldo Cabassa; Associate Professor, Brown School of Social Work; Faculty Affiliate, CRE2— Latinx | Latin American Race & Ethnicity Research Advisory Group (5 minutes)
  • Leopoldo Cabassa; Associate Professor, Brown School of Social Work; Faculty Affiliate, CRE2
    • Lab: Reducing Stigma and Improving Mental Health Literacy in the Latinx Community
  • Ila Sheren; Associate Professor, Art History & Archeology; Faculty Affiliate, CRE2
    • Start-Up: Race and Community Art Along the Border: A Collaborative Mapping

Closing Remarks: Adrienne Davis; Co-director, CRE2; Vice Provost; William M. Van Cleve Professor of Law