Graduate Student Affiliate status is open to graduate students on all Washington University campuses with an active interest in race/ethnicity.

To become a Graduate Student Affiliate, review the Graduate Student Affiliate Responsibilities, fill out a brief intake survey, and after submitting the survey complete the Graduate Student Affiliate Intake Form below.

Graduate Affiliate Responsibilities

Graduate Affiliate responsibilities include:

  • Provide an updated CV annually, as well as notify CRE2 of pertinent changes that need to be made to their profile
  • Complete annual Graduate Affiliate Survey
  • Acknowledge CRE2 support on publications, conference papers, posters, and other scholarly products that used CRE2 funding
  • Share their research (e.g., present at a CRE2 sponsored seminars) and its impact
  • Communicate any obstacles as well as needs to CRE2
  • Willing to be highlighted in CRE2 publications that feature race/ethnicity at the University
  • Timely response to CRE2 staff during reporting periods (e.g., annual Affiliate surveys, annual progress reports, infrastructure grants, and other center-based grant initiatives)

Graduate Affiliates are encouraged to:

  • Share key individual or organizational race/ethnicity related opportunities with CRE2
  • Regularly attend CRE2 events
  • Propose events that could bring outside race/ethnicity scholars to Washington University
  • Collaborate on race/ethnicity projects with CRE2 staff and Affiliates
  • Be responsive to fellow Affiliates’ inquiries about their academic work
  • Identify other scholars who might benefit from CRE2 affiliation
  • Serve on CRE2 Undergraduate Research Paper Review Committees.
Graduate Affiliate Intake Form
Please add URL
Example: Hedwig (Hedy) Lee is broadly interested in the social determinants and consequences of population health and health disparities, with a particular focus on the role of structural racism in racial/ethnic health disparities. Her work examines the impact of family member incarceration on the health and attitudes of family members, the association between racialized chronic stress and mental/physical health, documenting trends in racial/ethnic health disparities, and the role of histories of racial violence in racial/ethnic health disparities. As an interdisciplinary scholar, Lee has published and worked with scholars across a wide range of fields including, but not limited to, sociology, demography, criminology, psychology, political science, public health, computer science, statistics and medicine.
Examples: Critical Race Theory, Feminist Theory, Intimacy, Law, Polygamy, Reparations, Slavery; Big Data, Criminal Justice, Demography, Family, Gender, Health Disparities, Social Stress; Afro-Latin America, Cultural Flows and History, Ethnicity and Migration, Popular Culture, Street Life; Brain Development, Child Psychiatric Disorders, Early Adversity, Health Disparities, Perinatal Psychiatric Disorders, Prematurity, Psychosocial Stress; Education, Housing, Neighborhoods, Policing, Quantitative Methods, Racial Stratification, Social Policy
Example: LAW 806: Slavery, Race and the Law; SOC 2520: Inequality by Design: Understanding Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities in the United States; SOC 3510: Sick Society: Social Determinants of Health and Health Disparities in the United States; SPAN 380: Making Latin America Popular; SPAN 410: ¡A la calle! Mapping Latin American Life; SPAN 405: W War, Race, and Writing in 19th-Century Latin America

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