Allison Reed

Allison Reed

Postdoctoral Research Associate (2023-2024) | Assistant Professor (2024-), Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Black studies, social movement studies, and medical sociology have yet to fully explore what health, disability, and illness mean for activism. Dr. Reed’s work aims to understand how those embodied/psychic experiences matter for diverse people engaged in anti-racist and related social movements. In large part influenced by Black feminism, social justice movements of the 21st century have more readily taken health and access into consideration than in the past. Dr. Reed calls different arrays of such movement care practices “repertoires of care.” In her first book, she will further theorize the repertoires of care framework articulate in her 2023 article for Mobilization, the leading peer-reviewed social movement studies journal. However, even social justice movement actors have often neglected inclusion for sick, disabled, and especially mad people. Thus, Dr. Reed’s second major work will focus on the intersections of race, feminism, politics, and neurodiversity.

Faculty webpage.