Dr. Hudson’s career is dedicated to the elimination of racial/ethnic inequities in health. His research agenda centers on how social determinants of health, particularly racism, affect multiple health outcomes. Dr. Hudson is also striving to develop researchers and professionals who are both well trained and passionate about achieving health equity.
At the core of Dr. Hudson’s research agenda is the investigation of a challenging research question, using a social epidemiologic perspective: despite greater exposure to stress, lower levels of socioeconomic position, and bearing a disproportionate burden of physical health disparities, why do African Americans have lower rates of depression compared to whites? Dr. Hudson’s published research includes studies that have examined racial/ethnic differences in depression, including the effects of socioeconomic position, racial discrimination, and coping behaviors on depression. He has also examined perceptions of depression and mental health care among African Americans and has investigated comorbid depression and Type 2 diabetes in various settings.