Kyria Brown is interested in perinatal harm reduction, or the application of harm reduction tools and philosophy to the year before and after birth, which is necessary for the realization of reproductive justice. Her work is focused on the intersection of two current health crises: high birth mortality and the overdose epidemic. Her work posits that birth outcomes for those with substance exposure will only improve when the true harms of stigmatization and institutional racism and of the birth and child welfare systems are addressed. Her dissertation asks innovative birth workers and perinatal workforce providers in this area how they incorporate harm reduction and abolition into their work with birthing people who use substances to disrupt oppression during the perinatal period and keep families safe and together. Brown’s work is informed, at least partially, by her own experience as a birth doula. She has collaborated with medical, nursing, social work, public health, and anthropology scholars, along with meaningful collaboration with community members committed to keeping birthing people and people who use substances safe and alive.