The overarching goal of Power Lab is to leverage novel data sources to understand how health disparities are generated across racialized populations in the United States. Currently, the lab is focused on two projects within this framework. First, we are using data collected from millions of U.S. adults’ mobile devices to understand how state violence, particularly highly publicized police killings, leads to racialized differences in the use of public space (e.g., parks) –and how these disparities then arrive on population health. Second, we are working with the Vera Institute of Justice to create a new data set of probation and parole statistics for the United States, which will then be used to estimate relations between these forms of criminal legal contact and health outcomes. Other projects will stem from this group–all of which will be focused on using data to understand the structural determinants of health equity.

The Lab is based at and funded by CRE2.

Savannah Larimore

Savannah Larimore

Former Postdoctoral Research Associate

Discrimination, health disparities, infant health, maternal health, migration, mobility