This funding opportunity is no longer being offered. However, we invite you to explore past funded projects by reading about them below. These projects showcase the valuable work that has been supported through this program.
As part of its Innovation Space, CRE2 incubated time-limited, theme-based, experimental Affiliate Labs/Start Ups/Ateliers (LSAs). Within the CRE2 landscape, LSAs are a primary space to transform research ideas into concrete possibilities. These are highly flexible, Affiliate-led, and defined spaces in which Affiliates can envision myriad collaborations, engagements, and experimentation in a lab, start up, or atelier model. Although we invite highly imaginative definitions of LSAs, we provide some considerations for Affiliates as they envision the best model.
Labs (or laboratories) are typically spaces designed for inquiry through collaborative analysis and experimentation to assess and address problems. Startups are transitional entities designed to develop, validate, and accelerate the production of concrete deliverables. Ateliers might follow the workshop and training model of nimble, non-credit bearing, short and focused trans-school and trans-department seminars. Ateliers might serve as models for eventual formal, school-based courses or as ends in themselves. LSAs encompass both solo and collaborative projects, in addition to experimental models for learning and training. We invite Affiliates to design their LSA.