We are currently not accepting applications for this funding opportunity.

As part of its Innovation Space, CRE2 incubates time-limited, theme-based, experimental Affiliate Labs/Start Ups/Ateliers (LSAs). Within the CRE2 landscape, LSAs are a primary space to transform research ideas into concrete possibilities. These are highly flexible, Affiliate-led, and defined spaces in which Affiliates can envision myriad collaborations, engagements, and experimentation in a lab, start up, or atelier model. Although we invite highly imaginative definitions of LSAs, we provide some considerations for Affiliates as they envision the best model.

Labs (or laboratories) are typically spaces designed for inquiry through collaborative analysis and experimentation to assess and address problems. Startups are transitional entities designed to develop, validate, and accelerate the production of concrete deliverables. Ateliers might follow the workshop and training model of nimble, non-credit bearing, short and focused trans-school and trans-department seminars. Ateliers might serve as models for eventual formal, school-based courses or as ends in themselves. LSAs encompass both solo and collaborative projects, in addition to experimental models for learning and training. We invite Affiliates to design their LSA.

LSA Leads can apply for up to $5,000 in startup funds.


Any CRE2 Affiliate is eligible to apply.


LSAs may be led by a single Affiliate, although preference may be given to more
robust LSAs. LSAs may also include students, faculty members from other institutions, nonacademic researchers and practitioners, and community members. The individuals who submit the application will be responsible for managing the LSAs and submitting requisite updates and documentation.

LSAs will be approved for up to four semesters, although longer terms may approved
on a case-by-case basis. At the conclusion of their initial term, LSA may reapply for additional tenure. All LSAs will be reviewed annually.

Proposal Format

Proposals should include a description of the project, a proposed budget, and the CVs of all investigators. All LSA proposals that are approved for funding and involve the use of human subjects (e.g., payment or stipends to research participants) must obtain appropriate human subjects approval through the University’s Institutional Review Board before CRE2 funds are disbursed.

Grant Submission, Notification, and Award Period

We are currently not accepting applications for this funding opportunity.

Review and Selection

The CRE2 Leadership Team will screen all submitted proposals to determine whether they align with the program’s goals and will review qualifying proposals.

Monitoring and Grantee Obligations

To amplify their impact, all LSAs must submit:

  • Materials to ensure their presence on the CRE2 website is up to date, including notifying us of any research products, publications, events, or media;
  • An end-of-year one-page report that details the LSA’s goals and accomplishments that will be included in the CRE2 archives and will help us evaluate our LSAs:
    • Did you accomplish your stated goals for the academic year? Why or why not?
    • How has the LSA evolved?
    • Do you plan to continue the LSA next year?
      • If yes, how will you support the LSA?
      • If no, why are you ending the LSA (e.g., has met stated goals, is being transformed into a research institute, LSA Lead is departing)?
    • Have you applied for additional funds to support the LSA?
      • If yes, please prove additional detail? (Any additional funds will be acknowledged on the CRE2 website.)
    • What can CRE2to better support the LSA in the coming year?
  • A 200-word end-of-year summary showcasing LSA outcomes for the CRE2 website

 All products generated with the support of a CRE2 LSA will acknowledge the program using the statement, “This work has been funded by the Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity at Washington University in St. Louis Labs/Startups/Ateliers program, but the views remain those of the authors.”


