The Latinx | Latin American Race & Ethnicity Research Unit (or L2 for short) aimed to bolster support for and catalyze innovative scholarship, creative practice, and research on race, ethnicity and equity across Latin America and throughout the Latinx diaspora. L2 supports cutting-edge learning opportunities with research components and community connections and partnerships across the University, within the St. Louis region, nationally, and globally.  

Guided by a multidisciplinary steering committee of leading scholars, and informed by an advisory group that developed a series of recommendations in 2020, the L2 Unit designed research projects, frameworks, and programming that will serve students, faculty, postdoctoral fellows, residents and trainees, and creative practitioners across the University’s seven schools.

The research unit is currently on hiatus. See former members of the advisory group here.

L2 Featured Research & Events


Whose | Who’s Latinx

No dates for this event

Funding Opportunities

CRE2 Seed Grants
CRE2 Small Grants
CRE2 Scholar Grants

2021-2022 Steering Committee Members  

Leopoldo J. Cabassa, Co-Chair 
Ariela Schachter, Co-Chair 

William Acree, Ex-officio

Leopoldo  J Cabassa

Leopoldo J Cabassa

Associate Professor

Health Disparities Research, mental health services research, implementation science, mental health literacy and stigma, Latino/as mental health, serious mental illness, and global mental health

Ariela Schachter

Ariela Schachter

Associate Professor of Sociology

Computational Methods, Experiments, Immigration to the United States, Neighborhoods, Racial/Ethnic Relations

Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, Ph.D.

Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, Ph.D.

Psychiatry; Health & Behavior Research Center; Institute for Public Health, Washington University School of Medicine

Ila Sheren

Ila Sheren

Associate Professor of Art History and Archaeology, Arts & Sciences

William Acree

William Acree

Professor of Spanish; American Culture Studies (Affiliate) and Performing Arts (Affiliate)

Latin American Cultural History; Popular & Material Culture; Global Street Cultures; Public Space & State Formation; Afro-Latin America