The Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity will offer a limited number of Graduate Student Conference Travel Grants of up to $1,000 to support conference travel activities related to the advancement of the CRE2 mission and three CRE2 pillars.

These grants are reviewed on a rolling basis and will be awarded until the funds are exhausted.

Tiers of Support

Presenting (Domestic): Up to $750

Presenting (International): Up to $1,000

Attending as a Participant (Domestic or International): Up to $500


Only CRE2 Graduate Student Affiliates are eligible to apply for grants under this program. You must have held Affiliate Status for at least one semester before applying for this award. Eligibility is limited to one Graduate Student Travel Award per academic year.

Proposal Format

Proposals should include the title of the conference you are attending, location of conference, and date(s) of conference. In your proposal also indicate whether you are attending as a presenter or participant. If you are presenting, please provide the title and the description of the paper or presentation (abstract). As well, please provide a short statement about the conferences relevance to the study of race and ethnicity. If you are not presenting and are just attending the conference, please provide a brief description of how this conference will advance your studies. As well, please provide a short statement about the conferences relevance to the study of race and ethnicity. Applicants should also include a proposed budget for your travel to the conference. Proof of registration or acceptance is also required.

Grant Submission, Notification, and Award Period

We are now accepting applications for the AY2024-2025.

Budget Guidelines

Budget proposal should include estimated costs for registration fee, lodging fee, meals, airfare, and any other anticipated expenses.

Review and Selection

The CRE2 Leadership Team will screen all submitted proposals to determine whether they align with the program’s goals and will review qualifying proposals.

Monitoring and Grantee Obligations

The Center will monitor progress on Graduate Student Travel Awards. Grantees will provide an expense report upon request. Grantees will submit a final progress report and any products of the grant within one (1) month after attending the conference and will notify CRE2 of any proposals and scholarly works subsequently submitted or awarded/accepted. Potential grant products and scholarly works include publications; grant proposals; recordings; installations or exhibits; documentation of conferences, symposia, or residencies; and scholarly awards or honors.

All presentations and papers generated with the support of a CRE2 Graduate Student Travel Awards will acknowledge the program using the statement, “This work has been funded by the Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity & Equity at Washington University in St. Louis Graduate Student Travel Awards program, but the views remain those of the authors.”

2024-2025 Graduate Student Conference Travel Awardees
American Educational Research Association
Maegan B. Arney

Maegan B. Arney

Doctoral Student, Education

Collective Expertise
Distributed Cognition
Intersectional Identity
Team Performance

Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR)
Saria Bechara

Saria Bechara

Graduate student, Brown School

Community-Engaged Research
Ethnicity and Migration
Forced Migration
Health Disparities
Human Rights
Migration Policy
Multidimensional Deprivation

Philesha Colquitt

Philesha Colquitt

Doctoral Student, Arts and Sciences/Anthropology

Black Feminist Theory
Queer Theory
Rural Studies
Sexuality Studies
Southern Studies

African, Afropolitan, and Afropean Belongings and Identities: European Conference on African Studies
Ekua Mbrah Inkoom

Ekua Mbrah Inkoom

PhD Student, Romance Languages and Literatures and CRE2 Graduate Assistant

Cultural Diplomacy
Public Diplomacy

American Public Health Association (APHA) 2024 Annual
Meeting and Expo
Brynn Mackenzie Lau

Brynn Mackenzie Lau

MPH Student, Brown School

Health Disparities
Health Equity
Health Outcomes
Health Policy and Systems
Health Services
Immigrant Health

Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR)
Jihye Lee

Jihye Lee

Doctoral Student, Brown School

Social Policy
Economic Integration
Child Maltreatment
Undocumented Immigrant
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

Northeast Modern Language Association’s (NeMLA) 56th Annual Convection
Gicela Medina

Gicela Medina

Hispanic Studies PhD Student

Central America

Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR)
Portia Nartey

Portia Nartey

Social Work PhD Student, Brown School

Community-engaged Research
Cultural Gender Norms
Economic Empowerment Interventions
Global Health
International Social and Economic Development
Sexual Risk Behaviors
Women and Girls Socioeconomic Development

American Public Health Association (APHA) 2024 Annual
Meeting and Expo
Oreoluwa Oginni

Oreoluwa Oginni

Graduate Research Assistant, Public Health

Implementation strategy mechanisms
Physical activity,
Open street (ciclovia)
Nutrition programs(food-based dietary guidelines)
Qualitative methods
Latin America
Scoping review

West Indian Literature Conference
Crystal Payne

Crystal Payne

Graduate Student, English and American Literature

Black diaspora
Border Theory
Caribbean Studies
Hemispheric American Studies
Migration and movement
Postcolonial theory

2025 American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Colloquium
Wynette Whitegoat-Ramirez

Wynette Whitegoat-Ramirez

PhD Student, Brown School

Child and family well-being in Indigenous communities

Child maltreatment prevention

CSWE 2024 Annual Program Meeting: It is time to act. Indigenous knowledge sovereignty and environmental justice
Mustafa Rfat

Mustafa Rfat

PhD Student in Social Work, Brown School

Economic Empowerment
Mental Health

28th IPSA World Congress of Political Science
Deidi Olaya Rodriguez

Deidi Olaya Rodriguez

PhD Candidate, Brown School- Social Work

Feminist economics, Bargaining Power, Gender, Global social policy, Intimate partner violence (IPV), Latin America

Northeast Modern Language Association’s (NeMLA) 56th Annual Convention
Andre'A Roper

Andre’A Roper

PhD, English and American Literature

African American Literature
African Diaspora
Postcolonial Studies

American Educational Research Association Annual Conference
Molly Schneider

Molly Schneider

Doctoral Student, Sociology

Critical Race Theory
Social Movements
Legacies of Racial Violence
Reproduction of Inequality

Health City Design 2024 (HCD 2024) International Congress
Milena Franco-Silva

Milena Franco-Silva

PhD Student, Brown School

Active Mobility
Built Environment
Health Disparities
Urban Health

APSAC’s 32nd Colloquium
Yadira Tejeda

Yadira Tejeda

Graduate Student, Brown School of Social Work

Latinx Families
Child Welfare System

XXIX Annual Juan Bruce-Novoa Mexican Studies Conference
Francisco Tijerina

Francisco Tijerina

Graduate Student, Romance Languages and Literatures/Hispanic Studies

Latin America

American Anthropology Association Annual Meeting
Tsering Wangmo

Tsering Wangmo

Graduate Student, Anthropology

Ancestral Lands
Filmmaking and storytelling
Identity and ethnicity

2025 American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children Colloquium
Wynette Whitegoat-Ramirez

Wynette Whitegoat-Ramirez

PhD Student, Brown School

Child and family well-being in Indigenous communities

Child maltreatment prevention

2023-2024 Graduate Student Conference Travel Awardees
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, NASPA Annual Conference
David  Balmaceda

David Balmaceda

Doctoral Candidate in Applied Linguistics | Graduate Certificate in Higher Education | Former Fulbright Grantee 2013-2015

Applied Linguistics
Gender and Second Language Enrollment
Language and Education
Language and Global or Transnational Mobility
Language Acquisition and Use
Language Program Development

The penn jewish studies graduate student conference
Daria Berman

Daria Berman

PhD Candidate, History

Critical Race Theory
Cultural Flows and History
Ethnicity and Migration

Rhtyhm Changes
Varun Chandrasekhar

Varun Chandrasekhar

PhD Student, Music

African-American Studies
Black Modernism
Music Theory

Estudios Afrolatinoamericanos – University of cartagena de Indias
Jeanne Rosine Abomo Edou

Jeanne Rosine Abomo Edou

Graduate Student, Hispanic studies and comparative literature

Critical Race Theory
Cultural Theory
Post-apocalyptic Era
Post-colonial Theory
Post-human Era

Society for Cinema and Media Studies
Laura Evers

Laura Evers

PhD Student, English and American Literature

20th century African American Autobiographies and Novels
Documentary Film
Documentary Poetics
Pedagogical Practices
Visual Culture

Reaction and Resistance, Imagining possible futures in the Americas
Viviana Ghiglino Gonzales

Viviana Ghiglino Gonzales

Former MA Student, Anthropology

Global Pharmaceuticals
Clinical Trials
Scientific Disparities
Health Disparities
Anthropology of Peru
Anthropology of development
Indigenous-Latin America

MELUS (The Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States)
Naomi Kim

Naomi Kim

Graduate Student, English

Asian American Studies

Critical Race Theory

Ethnicity and Migration

Korean diaspora

Religion and Literature

Messi Lee

Messi Lee

PhD Student, Division of Computational and Data Sciences

Machine Learning
Quantitative Methods
Stereotyping and Prejudice

Dance Studies Association Conference
Tess Losada Miner

Tess Losada Miner

MFA Candidate in Dance, Performing Arts Department

Bicultural Straddling
Dance Education
Mixed Race Experience
Modern/Contemporary Dance
Ritual in Dance

Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention
Maegan B. Arney

Maegan B. Arney

Doctoral Student, Education

Collective Expertise
Distributed Cognition
Intersectional Identity
Team Performance

Cartographies of movement- dance studies association Conference
Lourdes del Mar Santiago Lebron

Lourdes del Mar Santiago Lebron

MFA Dance Graduate Student, Performing Arts Department

Caribbean Dance Traditions
Dance (Physical Practice)
Critical Dance Studies
Embodied Practices in Research
Puerto Rican
Queer Latine Performance
Feminism in the Caribbean

Southeast asia research group (SEAREG) 2023 Winter
Jeremy Siow

Jeremy Siow

Graduate Student, Political Science

Comparative Politics

Political Socialization

Southeast Asia Politics

Ethnic and Race Politics

Education Policy

Quantitative Methods

American Comparative LITERATURE Association CONFERENCE
Francisco Tijerina

Francisco Tijerina

Graduate Student, Romance Languages and Literatures/Hispanic Studies

Latin America